Search results for 'TempRE'
TempRE Technology
TempRE is Liaison Workforce’s end-to-end temporary workforce management platform, supporting NHS organisations from vacancy release through to pay.

Making the most of TempRE webinar
TempRE Multi Worker Upgrade
In a recent upgrade to our TempRE system we have developed a single multi worker platform, TempRE Multi Worker.

Developing a TempRE locum workforce
NHS Shetland is developing an agency direct employed temporary workforce across a varied and challenging geographic area, saving the healthcare service £175,488 in the first eight months.

72% reduction in agency spend within 10 months on TempRE Bank
These results were achieved using a multifaceted approach to the implementation project. Liaison’s Workforce team worked closely with the Trust to develop a plan which drew on their experience with other trusts implementing the bank service.
TempRE Bank/Collaborative Bank: It’s more than just an App
Liaison Workforce - TempRE Bank/Collaborative Bank

Agency Spend Control. Delivered.
Supporting the Trust to grip and control agency spend.

ADE Savings. Delivered.
Agency Direct Employment (ADE) project success.